

**Citation balances of $200 or more will prevent students from registering for classes**



美国的停车系统分为几个区域. 分区停车将于周一生效 -星期五7:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. 在秋季和春季学期. 专区停车在夏季不开放 学期. A valid USA parking permit must be displayed, unobstructed in the front driver's side window, at all times while a vehicle is parked on campus.

 南方区 parking permits are only valid in Laidlaw Performing Arts, Mitchell College of Business, Shelby Hall, University Commons, Health, Kinesiology, 和 Sport (HKS), 和 Gamma parking 地段(白线空间),在区域执法期间. 捷豹的小停车场 和 Old Shell Road is a 南 zoned lot This lot IS NOT open parking.

中央区域 parking permits are only valid in 南 Chemistry, 南 Humanities, Science Laboratory, Communications, Gamma (not on Jaguar Blvd), Student Center, 和 the 书店 parking 在区域执行期间的地段(白线空间). 周围有很多 the Student Center 和 the 书店 are subject to full or partial closure for scheduled 有或没有通知的事件. 学生必须在指定区域内停车 参观书店或学生中心时. 的 Student Health Center lot is for patient parking only; not for 中央区域d permits. A student may park in the patient lot only if they have a valid patient permit issued 在预约时间内,向房屋事务中心前台查询.

东部区 zone parking permits are only valid in the Alpha Hall, Biomedical Library, Health Sciences (HAHN), Simulation Lab, Mathematical Sciences 和 Physics Building (formerly the Instructional Laboratory Building), College of Medicine, Visual Arts parking lots (白色的衬 空间), as well as the Auxiliary Northeast Lot, located at the corner 奥布里·格林博士和奥布里·格林博士. 辅助停车场包括JagTran车站.

 北方区 parking permits are only valid in North Chemistry, North Humanities, 和 the Marx Library parking 在区域执行期间的地段(白线空间). 学生 are required to park in their designated zones when visiting the Marx Library. 的 Auxiliary Northeast parking lot is also available to North permit holders.

住宅区域 parking permits are for students who reside in Epsilon, Delta, Camellia Hall, Azalea 大厅,斯托克斯大厅,希腊大厅和中央大厅. 在区域执法期间, the Residential parking permit is only valid in the Residence Halls (except Gamma), 希腊和中央大厦停车场. 希腊住房,食堂 & 辅助西 所有停车许可证都被划为停车场. 

**Additional parking for Residential students is in the 辅助西 Lot located 希腊住房背后. **

β/γ区 停车许可证只对贝塔和伽玛的居民开放. 在区域执法期间, the Beta/Gamma parking permit is only valid in the Gamma parking lot 和 the Gamma 捷豹大道一侧. 中央 区域停车许可证在伽玛停车场也有效.

3:45 p.m., the students with a current parking permit displayed in their vehicle, may 停在任何地方 白色的衬、学生停车位.  

米切尔中心地段 此停车场指定为活动停车场. 然而,通勤学生 may park in this lot with a current commuter parking permit except when events are scheduled in the 米切尔中心 or if the lot is closed or restricted for any reason. 无论是否通知,该地段都可能被关闭. 而关闭这片土地却不是 在指定区域外停车的借口. 清除或绕过路障或路障的 may result in vehicle immobilization, towing, fines 和 university disciplinary action. residential students (including Grove Residents) are prohibited from parking in the 米切尔中心停车场,下午3:45结束.m.,等待其他与事件相关的限制或关闭.

梅斯勒大厅地块 This parking lot is designated a visitor 和 tour only parking lot. 游客的空间 are to be used by non-affiliates of the University who are visiting campus. 学生 和 员工 are not permitted to park in visitor parking 空间 or use 可在校园内停车的访客停车证.

病人停车位 are provided for patients of on-campus clinics located at the Health Sciences Building (HAHN), Student Health Center, 和 University Physicians Group (UCOM). 只有病人 with scheduled appointments may park in designated patient 空间. 所有病人都必须 在到达时显示诊所签发的当前患者通行证. 学生 和 员工 are not permitted to park in patient parking 空间 or use a patient parking pass to park to attend classes or any other non-clinic business 或活动.

访客停车位 是为大学的非会员客人准备的吗. 学生员工 are not permitted to park in visitor parking 空间 or use a visitor parking pass 在校园内停车.


学生 living off-campus will choose a zone to park for the entire academic year (fall-summer学期). 他们应该选择一个最方便上课的区域 和之前发生的活动 3:45 p.m.

All on-campus resident students, including sorority, fraternity, 和 中央 House residents, must obtain a Resident zone parking permit with the exception of Gamma 必须获得伽玛许可证的居民. Obtaining a permit other than the allowed permit will result in disciplinary action 可能还会导致车辆瘫痪.


学生们可以停车 白色的衬 空间. 蓝线空间仅供教职员工使用. 黄道停车 禁止在路边或黄线区域行走. 在消防车道(红线区域)停车 也是被禁止的. 有关规则和条例的完整列表,请点击 下面的链接.