
 Summer Internships with the Delta Fellows Program

Summer Internships with the Delta Fellows Program

荣誉学院 in collaboration with the USA 社区参与办事处 organizes organizes annual community engagement internships through grants received from the Jean O’Connor Snyder Internship Program (JOIP) sponsored by the 大卫·马修斯公民生活中心.的 Center is a non-profit, non-partisan corporation which builds skills, habits, and capacities for more effective civic engagement and innovative decision making 遍及亚拉巴马州的67个县. Delta Fellows Interns collaborate with local communities to build long-term university-community relationships built on immersive civic engagement 原则. 的 goal is to support the needs of the citizens of the Mobile Bay region. During Summer, 2020, four Delta Fellows aim to collaborate with the communities surrounding Blakeley and the Mobile-Tensaw Five Rivers Delta.

 学生们在和博士自拍. 库克在牛津.

的 Oxford Consortium for Human Rights

荣誉学院 at the 十大玩彩信誉平台 is a member of the Oxford Consortium for Human Rights (OCHR). 的 Consortium hosts teaching and research seminars on human rights, global conflict, humanitarian aid, peacebuilding, and related subjects. 他们的目的是理解 and develop constructive solutions to the problems of today, drawing from scholars and students from a wide variety of disciplines. Four 荣誉学院 students attended the Oxford Consortium Workshop in Oxford, UK in July 2019. 五名学生出席 the OCHR Workshop Series: 社区, Identity, and Human Rights in Rio de Janeiro, 2019年10月的巴西. 学生 were slated to attend in-person events in 2020, and will continue to attend when in person opportunities resume. 与此同时,南方 Alabama is active in online workshops such as the OCHR’s first ever Webinar, “Pandemics, 流行 & Human Rights,” and its subsequent offering, “Inequality, Racial Justice & COVID危机.”

 博士学位学生. Cooke in front of world summit banner

的 World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates

World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates regularly brings Nobel Peace Laureates together to foster their legacy of peace, and to continue to keep peace in the forefront of global attention. 荣誉学院 has joined as a partner in its work, and participated in the most recent Summit. 这 gathering was held in Merida, Mexico in September 2019, focused on both the Mexican legacy and the nation’s involvement in the global peacebuilding process. 这个项目 engaged civil society and youth from throughout the world by providing them the tools and strategies needed to achieve peace at local and global levels. 六荣誉学院 students attended and returned with a wealth of knowledge that they were eager to 分享. 这里有故事.